Sunday, March 25, 2012

Educational Trip

If you are a regular reader of Molly's Lunch Box, you may have noticed that we didn't have a lunch post last Friday.  Well, it was because we decided to let Molly join us on an educational trip instead of going to school.  (GASP!)  I won tickets to the Farm to Table convention that was going on in Pittsburgh this past Friday and Saturday.  Our tickets were for Friday so Molly's Daddy decided to take the day off and we were going to take Molly's siblings with us while Molly was in school.  Then, we were doing a little research into what to expect and decided that Molly would benefit greatly from this experience....and we were right. ☺

We learned so much about organic gardening, raw dairy, cheeses, things to do with bee's wax, healthy eating, co-ops, CSAs, rain water, recycling, conservation and many other things.  We were very excited to try samples of several yummy treats including raw milk, pasteurized milk, cheeses, health drinks, honey, a banana dessert, health bars and much more.

We met farmers and artisans that were eager to share their craft with us and explain why the way that animals were raised help to make a better product.  It was such a delight to hear the questions that were answered and to see the eagerness of Molly and her sister as they were just soaking in the information.  (Their brother was just happy to be enjoying a honey stick.)

It was a fantastic experience for our whole family, not to mention the great exercise we got walking to and from the parking lot to the convention center and walking around the convention itself.

We don't usually advocate "skipping" school, but this was definitely a wonderful educational experience and we now have so many more ideas for field trips this summer to continue the education.  Special thanks to Whirl Magazine for creating a contest that helped us win our tickets!

On to Monday's lunch.  Easy enough, Molly is buying pizza.  It is the only good looking option for the week so we were fine with her choice.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! ☺

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