Monday, December 5, 2011

Breakfast for Lunch!

When in doubt, look at the school lunch menu.  They are having breakfast for lunch tomorrow so we decided to follow suit and make breakfast for lunch.  We also borrowed some inspiration from a friend who lamented about how his kids only eat peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
Our main entree is a waffle sandwich.  We added some peanut butter and honey to two waffles that were toasted a little extra toasty.  We also added two pieces of turkey bacon to bump up the protein factor.  Plus, everything is better with bacon. ☺

Our fruit side is strawberries.  Molly really enjoys strawberries and we try to keep them on hand as often as possible because she's not alone in her preference.  Her siblings enjoy them too.

Finally, our dairy/dessert is vanilla yogurt.  We were going to add some sprinkles to it again but decided that there is enough color and fun in this lunch, so we'll save them for another time.

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